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Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

September 2, 2022

Longer days and warmer temps are here and that means it’s time to start tackling your spring to-dos. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most important tips to consider while getting your home ready for the season ahead.

1. Clean Your Gutters & Downspouts

Water damage caused by clogged gutters can wreak havoc on your home and wallet. Before spring showers settle in, clear any leaves and debris from your gutters. 

2. Replace Filters

Household filters protect you and your family members from harmful bacteria and contaminants. Regardless of if the contaminants are airborne or in your water, if left unaddressed they can lead to severe health problems. Changing your water, furnace and range hood filters regularly will help you maintain a healthy home environment.

3. Clean Faucets and Shower Heads

Faucets and shower heads should be cleaned several times a year to prevent the build-up of sediment and bacteria. Soaking them in a hot water and white vinegar solution helps to break up deposits, making it easier to wipe them clean.

Also make a point to check your outside hose faucets for freeze damage and sediment build-up.

4. Clean Out the Dryer Vent

One of the leading causes of household fires is a clogged dryer vent. To clean, disconnect the vent from the back of your dryer and use vent brush to clean and remove any lint build-up. On your home’s exterior, remove the dryer vent cover and use the vent brush to clean the area. The vent cover flap should move freely.

5. Repair Window & Door Screens

Let in the breeze without the bugs. Before warmer temps arrive, be sure to check your window screens for holes or tears.  Even the smallest hole can act as an entry point for flies and spiders. Screen repair kits can be found at most home improvement stores.

6. Test Smoke Detectors

Testing your smoke and CO detectors is a chore that shouldn’t be ignored. Detectors should be tested monthly and batteries changed twice per year in the spring and fall. Just a few minutes of your time has the potential to save your life. 

7. Service Your Cooling Equipment

Michigan’s brutal winter weather conditions can put a beating on your home’s heating and cooling system. Having your system tuned up and inspected twice per year is an invaluable approach to making sure that it is running both efficiently and effectively. Contact a qualified heating and cooling contractor to clean and service your system, for safe operation and prolonged life.

Find out more about routine HVAC maintenance.

8. Clean Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans do more than just create a refreshing cross-breeze, they can also reduce your energy usage . As warmer temperatures set in, it’s time to prepare your fans for spring use. Make sure your blades are clean and free of dust, while also checking that the blade rotation is set to counterclockwise.

9. Clean Yard Debris & Foundation Vents

If your home has a crawlspace or basement, chances are you will have vents along your exterior foundation walls. These vents provide air circulation that helps prevent excess moisture and mold growth, while also deterring critters from taking residence underneath your home. While you are doing your spring yard clean-up, make sure you also clean the areas surrounding your foundation vents. Make sure the area is free of leaves and other debris and inspect your vent screens for holes or damage. Rodents have been known to squeeze through a hole the size of a pencil or smaller.

10. Re-Caulk around Windows

Old, cracked and warped caulking can cause drafty windows that make it difficult to cool (and heat) your home to an optimal comfort level. It can also cause other problems such as water intrusion and high energy bills. If it’s been a long while since you last restored the caulk around your windows and doors, spring is a great time to do it.

September 2, 2022
Many people wonder if furnace maintenance is a good investment. The short answer is yes. Routine HVAC inspections are one of the best ways to safeguard your home and your wallet. Here’s 5 ways furnace maintenance will pay for itself .
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